This image was taken from above Ramsden Reservoir looking back towards Ramsden Clough. This was nostalgic for me because I hadn’t been here in over 20 years. I used to come here often with my parents and my eldest son when he was a toddler.
I’ve christened this sheep Billy as in "Billy no Mates". Poor thing, all the other sheep have flocked-off and left him on his billy.
An old gate near where I live that I use most days. I think that I've managed to get the light reflecting nicely off the wood to bring out its texture. I used HDR is enhance the effect on the wood and stone.
I said to this tree, “Don’t you think that’s a silly place to grow, out of a wall like that.?” The tree said, “I didn’t have much choice on where my seed fell”. “True”, I said.
These standing stones are situated on Ramsden Edge to the south west of Holmfirth. Nobody seems to know anything about them or how old they are, they are not marked on any maps or recorded in any books. My theory is that they mark a UFO landing site because an advanced alien race that could travel millions of light-years across the universe would need some old rocks to help them land safely.
. I made this image just as the second UK national lockdown, “fire wall” to reduce the spread of coronavirus was about to start in November 2020: it is due to last a month and be lifted before Christmas. This time, we know better what to expect and I hope people will take it more seriously with fewer people treating it like a holiday and travelling 100s of miles for “exercise”. Digley Reservoir, where I made this image, was one of the places where Yorkshire Water was forced to close car parks in an effort to reduce visitor numbers during the first lockdown. However, this just meant that people parked on the grass verges restricting access on what are already narrow roads and the public footpaths round Digley Reservoir were still crowded with people mostly not wearing masks.
It is hard to see how the pandemic will end but at least there is some good news regarding a vaccine for the virus, the vaccine is being tested and should be available in the New Year.
I normally like to include a big sky, especially a big Yorkshire sky, in my landscape images but this one has no sky at all, just fog, with a glimpse of some autumnal colour on the trees.
I won’t be seeing my family and friends during lockdown but I’m sure they feel this is for the best.