Mr Happy


I live in Yorkshire and enjoy photographing the countryside near where I live. I retired in June 2017 after 35 years in IT. Since then I’ve reconnected with some of the things that I enjoyed as a teenager such as walking and photography. Things that because of other commitments such as work and family I had to put aside. I now have all the time in the world to do what I love which is to walk the moors and take photographs.

I’ve always had a camera because my father was a keen photographer. In the early days, obviously, it was film. When my children were young, I bought a digital camera to record their development and over the years took hundreds of family snaps. One or two of those pictures I liked and thought they had some artistic merit. This encouraged me to take up photography as a hobby and I bought a dSLR and started to accumulate other paraphernalia such as lenses and filters etc.

This is what I see when I think of Yorkshire: crumbling stone walls, overcast skies, rusted up gates, the hills and the mud. I love it. I love tramping through these fields for hours each day come rain or shine. When my children put me into an institution to live out my last years, these are the pictures that I want on the wall to remind me of what I once had.

My Process: Warning, this section contains technical details. All my landscape photographs are captured in raw so therefore need some processing to produce a jpg. This includes cropping, sharpening, dodging and burning, adding a vignette, removing distractions, bracketing, focus stacking and anything else that I feel like doing and it takes as long as it takes. I’m not trying to capture what’s in front of me or present what the camera sees. I’m creating an image.

All work is mine, unless otherwise stated, and subject to copyright.


Instagram: @howard.m.allen
